Services - Biostatistics

The Biostatisticians collaborate with UMGCCC investigators and provide them access to state-of-the-art statistical science, expert statistical analysis and sound statistical reporting in all areas of statistical experimental design, analysis and modeling and stochastic modeling, including:

  • Study Design. This applies to both laboratory experiments (e.g., xenograft models) and clinical trials. Statistical evaluation of sample sizes needed to achieve study objectives, endpoint and control selection, randomization and statistical power analysis and simulation.
  • Interim Analyses and Monitoring for Clinical Trials. Interim analyses consistent with statistical principles for multiple testing and sequential analyses.
  • Statistical Analysis. Analysis plan is provided in the protocol (before data collection takes place) and followed. Statisticians assess whether the data satisfy model assumptions implicit in the analysis software to ensure the most appropriate statistical methods are used for analysis.
  • Statistical Programming. Major statistical software are available including SAS, S-PLUS, Stata, StatXact and East. The Biostatistics Shared Service also develops computer programs for complex statistical problems.
  • Biostatistics Training. Introductory seminars are provided on biostatistics tailored to cancer clinical investigators and fellows in hematology and oncology. The goal is to enhance understanding of biostatistical concepts and thus to improve clinical protocol.
  • Reports and Publications. Statistical design and analyses reports are communicated to investigators via memoranda. The memoranda for a project document study design, data source, statistical methods and analysis summaries and is written in a form appropriate for the statistical section for that project (e.g., a manuscript or a grant application).