Cancer Research Training and Education Coordination (CRTEC)

Associate Director for Training and Education: Toni Antalis, PhD
Assistant Director for Training and Education: Bret A. Hassel, PhD
Program Specialist: Tierra Johnson, PhD

The University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center (UMGCCC) fosters a stimulating, multidisciplinary education and training environment through active participation in the training of graduate students, medical students, residents and fellows, mentoring of junior faculty, and sponsoring of cancer-related educational and training activities. A major goal is to inspire interdisciplinary cancer research, including cutting-edge technologies to make discoveries that will lead to next generation sensitive diagnostics, specific therapeutics and effective preventives.

Our unique focus is the integration of education and training with fundamental research, population science and clinical cancer research activities. UMGCCC provides first-rate cancer research training that spans a continuum of cancer researchers, through encouraging programs beginning in middle school, and spanning graduate and post-graduate training, the mentoring of junior faculty, and community engagement, in order to foster individuals with a long-term commitment to the fight against cancer.

The CRCEA is overseen by the UMGCCC Training and Education Steering Committee and working groups. The mission of the committee and groups are to oversee the administrative structure and integration of UMGCCC educational and research training activities, to assist in the development of new educational programs, and to enhance diversity in education and training activities.

Training Opportunities in Cancer Research